On April 23, 2010, Arizona Governor Janis Brewer (R) signed Senate Bill 1070, the most radical immigration legislation in the United States, effectively permitting racial profiling in the state of Arizona. The law requires police to demand immigration papers from anyone who they have a "reasonable suspicion" is in the country illegally. This blog will chronicle the major events regarding this racist and inhumane law.
We enthusiastically encourage a boycott of the State of Arizona until the law is repealed.


Arizona Country Throwdown Festival Cancelled

It's tough to say if music promoter Kevin Lyman is letting greed get the best of him despite the obvious noble principal of pulling his shows Warped, Rockstar Mahem, and Country Throwdown out of Arizona. He seems to have come through in the latter, but whether it was honestly for the reasons he said is yet to be know. One down two to go.

"...Tour Producer, Kevin Lyman, says, “After many attempts to keep these shows, we’re regretfully unable to bring Throwdown to these four markets.” Lyman is citing the following reasons for the cancelations of shows: “Low tickets sales and too many shows competing with one another. We are trying to bring a festival style tour with 21 artists, at a reasonable and fair ticket price (average ticket cost $31), but because most markets are currently flooded with shows, we end up cannibalizing one another and someone ends up with lower ticket sales.” Kevin adds, “As a result, we can’t afford to keep the show on the road for ALL of its intended dates. It’s a first year tour and we expected year one to be full of key lessons, so that next year-- and there will be a next year--is even better.”" (READ MORE)