On April 23, 2010, Arizona Governor Janis Brewer (R) signed Senate Bill 1070, the most radical immigration legislation in the United States, effectively permitting racial profiling in the state of Arizona. The law requires police to demand immigration papers from anyone who they have a "reasonable suspicion" is in the country illegally. This blog will chronicle the major events regarding this racist and inhumane law.
We enthusiastically encourage a boycott of the State of Arizona until the law is repealed.


Anti-Immigration Hero Deputy Possible Fraud

via Talking Points Memo

"AZ Sheriff's Dept Reopens Case Of Deputy Allegedly Shot By Drug Smugglers

The Pinal County, Arizona Sheriff's Office has announced that it is reopening the case of a sheriff's deputy who was shot on April 30, after an article last week raised questions about the deputy's story that he'd been involved in a shoot-out with drug smugglers -- and just hours after telling TPM that the department stood by the original investigation...

In April, the case of Deputy Louie Puroll received widespread media attention, as it came at the height of the debate over the state's controversial new immigration law. The tale was seized upon by anti-immigration activists to whip up support for the state's new law. Puroll said that he was shot by drug smugglers during an altercation in the Arizona desert..." (READ MORE)


Mormon-Owned Paper Stands With Immigrants

via The New York Times

"SALT LAKE CITY — Joseph A. Cannon is nobody’s liberal. His résumé reads as if it belongs to a delegate to the Republican National Convention, which, incidentally, he was in 2004...He was an official for the Environmental Protection Agency under Ronald Reagan and chairman of the Utah Republican Party...

So it was something of a head-scratcher, Mr. Cannon said, when his voice mail and e-mail started filling up with messages from people calling him a “liberal freak” for the sympathetic way his paper (The Deseret News) often writes about illegal immigrants..." (READ MORE)


Gail Collins Column, NYT: Ungreat Debate

"We do not generally look to gubernatorial debates for excitement. But this week there was a fascinating one in Arizona, where Gov. Jan Brewer gave a bad performance of epic proportions. Really, Richard Nixon in 1960 was Demosthenes in Athens compared with this one.

Brewer began by blanking out during her introductory statement — there was this horrible 16-second interval where she went silent, stared down at her notes and giggled. The evening ended when she stomped away from reporters who were yelling: “Governor, please answer the question about the headless bodies.”..." (READ MORE)


Justice Department Sues Sheriff Joe Arpaio

It wasn't until reading the first paragraph of today's New York Times article about Sheriff Joe Arpaio being sued by the Department of Justice that this man finally came into proper perspective. He is the modern day embodiment of the "Mississippi Burning" deputy Cecil Price and Sheriff Lawrence Rainey with their smug expressions and his inflated sense of themselves. Hopefully it will end up with this racist right-wing nut ending up on one of his infamous chain gangs wearing stripes. He is bound to try to make himself a martyr for wing nuts and racists.

The Photo Paul Reed photograph in LIFE Magazine shows a defiant Deputy Cecil Reed and Sheriff Lawrence Rainey in MIssissippi.

via The New York Times

"The Justice Department filed a lawsuit on Thursday against Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County for not cooperating with an investigation into whether his department was systematically violating the rights of Hispanics. The government is looking into whether Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s department discriminates against Hispanics in its immigration sweeps. Obama administration officials called the suit the first time in 30 years that the federal government had to sue to compel a law enforcement agency to cooperate with an investigation concerning Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

“The actions of the sheriff’s office are unprecedented,” Thomas E. Perez, assistant attorney general for the department’s civil rights division..." (READ MORE)

Protest on February 8, 2009. Photo/Creative Commons/Flickr


Jan Brewer Makes a Fool of Herself

In appointed governor Republican of Arizona Jan Brewer's debate with Democratic opponent Terry Goddard last night, she made a spectacle of herself. It is a sight to see. Mr. Goddard pointed out her big lie about desert beheadings which has become an urban myth among the extreme right wing and some media outlets, particularly Fox News.

Take a look:


AZ Gov Jan Brewer's Big Conflict of Interest

"Gov. Jan Brewer took center stage last Tuesday night after she officially clenched the Republican nomination. Standing just behind her was a man most Arizonans would not recognize.
He’s Chuck Coughlin, Brewer’s campaign chairman, policy adviser and a lobbyist for the largest private prison company in the country. And he’s one of two people in the Brewer administration with ties to Corrections Corporation of America...

Corrections Corporation of America holds the contract with Immigration and Customs Enforcement to lock up illegal immigrants picked up in Arizona. Tough immigration laws like Arizona's SB 1070 could send thousands of new bodies its way, and millions of dollars..."(READ MORE)

via Phoenix New TImes

Jan Brewer's Chuck Coughlin, CCA, KPHO, and the Nearly $14K Canceled Ad Buy