"The implementation of an economic boycott to any degree will result in an inverse outcome, hurting small business, local governments and most importantly our residents...
However, to isolate Arizona's constituency via boycott tactics is an unacceptable, misdirected response, given that this issue will continue to evolve and re-form into the future. We respectfully ask you to refrain from implementing boycott resolutions, as they are an assault on local government and residents with unintended socioeconomic consequences."
Media contact: Ken Strobeck
Executive Director
League of Arizona Cities and Towns
(602) 258-5786
The League of Arizona Cities and Towns is located at 1820 W. Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85007. Our headquarters building is located within easy walking distance of the Arizona State Capitol
Contact us by telephone at (602) 258-5786. To send a fax, call (602) 253-3874. Our general e-mail address is league@azleague.org.