On April 23, 2010, Arizona Governor Janis Brewer (R) signed Senate Bill 1070, the most radical immigration legislation in the United States, effectively permitting racial profiling in the state of Arizona. The law requires police to demand immigration papers from anyone who they have a "reasonable suspicion" is in the country illegally. This blog will chronicle the major events regarding this racist and inhumane law.
We enthusiastically encourage a boycott of the State of Arizona until the law is repealed.


"Arizona Anti-Immigrant Law Un-American?"

–via Liberal Viewer

"...can we all agree on one thing. Is there nothing more Nazi than saying 'show me your papers.'..Every time someone says 'show me your papers,' Hitler's family gets a residual check..." So heads up Arizona, that's fascism.

–Seth Myers, Weekend Update, Saturday Night Live, 4-17-10.