On April 23, 2010, Arizona Governor Janis Brewer (R) signed Senate Bill 1070, the most radical immigration legislation in the United States, effectively permitting racial profiling in the state of Arizona. The law requires police to demand immigration papers from anyone who they have a "reasonable suspicion" is in the country illegally. This blog will chronicle the major events regarding this racist and inhumane law.
We enthusiastically encourage a boycott of the State of Arizona until the law is repealed.


United States Representative Raul Grijalva (AZ)

Representative Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) bravely took up the right cause early in the tradition of Cesar Chavez and Martin Luther King. Also in the racist tradition of our country and the current right-wing extremist cacophony, Rep. Grijalva was forced to close his offices last week after death threats to him and his family.

""..U.S. Rep Raul Grijalva, a Democrat who represents southern Arizona's Congressional District 7, on Tuesday called for a convention boycott of his own state. In a statement, he said the National Football League's pulling of the Super Bowl after the state refused to recognize Martin Luther King Jr. day was effective in changing the state's policy...""

"...Graijalva cited the effective boycott in the early 1990s over his state’s refusal to recognize Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as the inspiration for action over the immigration law. Roughly 60 percent of the residents in Graijalva’s district, which borders Mexico, are of Hispanic descent. No wonder he and his constituents don’t like the idea of being asked for their papers at the whim of a police officer who now legally needs no more cause than his own suspicion that a person may be illegal aliens...Anyone out there planning a vacation in Arizona?" (READ MORE)